Saturday, January 1, 2011

My First Picture in 2011

This is a picture that I took on 1-1-11.

I like the purple light that's coming from the sun and the way the trees stick up behind the building. It makes me feel happy.


  1. Happy 1.1.11, Aidan!Trees sticking up into the sky are one of my favorite things.Maybe I can share some of my tree pictures with you some day.
    Any idea where the purple came from? It's so pretty.

  2. Happy New Year! Nice tree pictures just make me wish for a puzzle! Need to get going on one.

  3. Nice work Aiden! I like this photo. It's very artistic.

  4. I love the angle you took the picture from. It makes me think about how a bug views the world. Nice job! Can't wait to see more pictures.

  5. Aidan, your picture reminds me that I am so small in God's huge Universe! I love that feeling. Thanks for sharing!! Love you, Aunt Deb.
